Deltaspeed Nozzle
- Flexible programming of spray volumes
- Single nozzle control
- Optional: Monitoring of indvidual nozzles
- All parameters programmable via teach panel. No more manual settings required
- Simple and intuitive programming
- Documentation of all process parameters
- Standard spray heads for multiple dies possible
- Suitable for water-free lubricants and water-based concentrates
- Fully integrated system – turn-key solution
- Upgrade of existing equipment is feasible in most cases
- Robots or 2-axis linear reciprocators can be used
- Static and dynamic spray application is feasible
- Customized spraying tools for shortest cycle times
- Low(er) number of nozzles – easy setup and maintenance
- Shorter spraying time even at “big” dies
- Combinable with external die cooling – Hybrid spray applications

Spraying Process
- Emissions minimized
- No “Black Hole” effects
- Variable tool set-up for perfect surface coverage
- Very short spraying times (usually no spray cooling)
- Well suited for bigger dies (e.g. for structural parts)
- Modular setup allowing step by step technology change
Die and Casting
- Excellent release properties
- Very clean surfaces
- Min. porosity of castings
- No corrosion
- Separation of cooling and lubrication (hot spot cooling possible)
- Increased die life
- Excellent wetting properties
- High wetting temperature
- Absolutely stable - 100% concentrates, water free
- No or less contamination of waste water with lubricant
- Significantly less lubricant necessary
- No risk of bacterial contamination